Friday January 10, 2014
I’m still thrilled thinking about the response I got when I released ReadMore back in 2010. I built the app to scratch my own itch, but then it grew a life of its own. It was featured on the iOS App Store in April of that year and has enriched many lives, as evidenced by the emails I’ve received. Thank you all.
As you’ve noticed, ReadMore sits quietly and hasn’t been updated in a while. I built it and supported it by myself these past three years. As I chose to focus on other ventures, development slowed to a halt. It started as a side project and sold well for a while, but I wasn’t sure how to turn it into a sustainable product that could support further work on it. With iOS 7 growing quickly in market share, many of you requested a fresh look and new features. Unfortunately, I didn’t have a good plan to move forward…yet.
That’s why I reached out to my friends at D-I and asked if they would want to take it over. They gladly agreed! For my existing customers, you are in good hands. I’ve known the D-I team for a while and some of the members even played a role in the early development of ReadMore, helping me with the design, ideas, and beta testing. I’m glad they are taking this on.
You don’t have to do anything. Just keep using the app as usual. The app will be transferred over to D-I’s App Store account, and all future updates will come from them automatically. Apple’s done a nice job with this app transfer process. It won’t interrupt you at all.
To get to know the new ReadMore caretakers and to get a glimpse at their future plans, head on over to their announcement post. Tell ‘em Jonathan sent ya!
Sunday September 16, 2012
First off, a ReadMore bugfix update is coming soon. It fixes a couple of Readmill sharing bugs, and I rewrote the sharing engine to better support Readmill and future services. I’m also and getting ready to support launching and controlling the app with URL schemes. It’s not quite yet ready for this next bugfix release, but I’m building the pieces under the hood. If you have an idea for the kind of control you’d like of the app, let me know. I want to make it easy to integrate with Launch Center, or your own favorite URL triggering application.
Now we come to the confession. It’s been a long time since I’ve last updated ReadMore. Some of it is the result of a busy summer. For those just now getting to know the app (welcome!) this is one of many side projects I juggle for priority.
To make matters worse, I made a decision earlier this year to chase iCloud and try to get it to work. Syncing the data between devices is one of the top requested features and is the first step I need to take before making the app universal so it runs in full glory on the iPad. In theory, iCloud syncing sounds awesome, and for many applications it does just work as it says on the tin.
But it’s been nothing but pain for ReadMore and other applications that use Apple’s official Core Data storage mechanism. You’d think that going with Apple’s official frameworks would streamline the process of using their premiere cloud based syncing technology. That’s exactly what I thought when they first announced it last June. However, if I was to release a version that tried to use iCloud as it is today, it’s possible that you’d lose your data. Not good.
I won’t go too deep into the struggles I’m having. For the technically inclined, it has to do with record level syncing. Document level syncing, which is fully atomic, works just as it’s supposed to and an application that breaks up their data into chunks that are just stored as files will work just fine. ReadMore is a database application with everything in a single file, just as Apple prescribes Core Data to use. To sync it, you need to find out the changes between records.
Needless to say, there has been much digital ink spilt by prominent application developers describing the pain. I’ve even been looking into other syncing solutions, but they aren’t as immediately straightforward as iCloud. More under the hood tweaks are needed to get them to work and I’m not sure I want to waste more time chasing another method yet.
That’s the update so far. I’m tabling the syncing issue for now. I have some import/export ideas planned that may satisfy some of you who want to get data in and out. That may help me figure out the best way forward for syncing, too. Thanks for your patience!
Wednesday July 25, 2012
At the request of Francesco Cirillo, I've rebranded my timer app.
by Jonathan Penn
Wednesday January 18, 2012
Spanish localization, more book metadata, and Readmill integration
by Jonathan Penn
Tuesday October 11, 2011
ReadMore v1.8 - Book lookup, barcode scanning, custom colors!
by Jonathan Penn
Tuesday September 20, 2011
ReadTracker is a good substitute if you were hoping to use ReadMore on Android devices.
by Jonathan Penn
Tuesday June 14, 2011
iOS 5 and iCloud are coming. What's next for ReadMore.
by Jonathan Penn
Tuesday May 10, 2011
ReadMore v1.6 with Backup/Restore is in review
by Jonathan Penn
Friday April 01, 2011
Navel Labs successfully trademarks the phrase, "read more".
by Jonathan Penn
Wednesday February 16, 2011
v1.5: Under-the-hood improvements, the first language translation, and a major design overhaul on the book summary page.
by Jonathan Penn
Thursday December 02, 2010
v1.4 is submitted, new features, iOS 4.x required for future versions, etc.
by Jonathan Penn
Tuesday October 12, 2010
The world is safe yet again and new customers are satisfied
by Jonathan Penn
Sunday July 18, 2010
Changing your behavior. One data point at a time.
by Jonathan Penn
Saturday June 19, 2010
Preparing for iOS 4.0 and beyond!
by Jonathan Penn
Monday June 07, 2010
Book and session notes are coming to ReadMore v1.3!
by Jonathan Penn
Sunday May 02, 2010
Book size indicates page count, progress indicator in reading list, bug fixes...
by Jonathan Penn
Monday April 05, 2010
by Jonathan Penn
Tuesday March 23, 2010
Submitted, approved, and so good looking!
by Jonathan Penn
Wednesday January 13, 2010
by Jonathan Penn
Tuesday January 05, 2010
Kind words from a thoughtful reviewer.
by Jonathan Penn