For Those Wanting ReadMore on Android
No, I haven’t decided to port ReadMore to Android. I’m still focusing on iOS devices. Building on Apple’s platforms is quite enjoyable and keeps me busy enough at this point!
But, I’ve heard from some of you who want ReadMore on their Android phone or tablet. Well, it’s not exactly the same thing, but the guys at ReadMill have built their own tracking app similar to ReadMore called ReadTracker.
They were kind enough to contact me to say they were inspired by ReadMore’s concept. Since I currently had no interest in doing Android development, I was excited to hear they were building this. I don’t own any Android phones and haven’t been able to test it out myself, but it looks nice and they have plans to keep improving it as they integrate it with their ReadMill service. (Which I plan to support in ReadMore as well!)
If you’re one of those looking for a reading diary app for Android, check ReadTracker out and let me know what you think.
And just to let you know, the next release with color picker and Google Books API lookup are in beta testing right now!